Nicholas Hopper:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 5:21 PM, George Kadianakis <> 
> wrote:
> > tl;dr: analysis seems to indicate that switching to one guard node
> > might not be catastrophic to the performance of Tor. To improve
> > performance some increased guard bandwidth thresholds are proposed
> > that seem to help without completely destroying the anonymity of the
> > network. Enjoy the therapeutic qualities of the graphs and please read
> > the whole post.
> This took way longer than I expected it to, but here we go.  In order
> to examine the assumption that "higher guard bandwidth == better
> client performance", I modified Aaron Johnson's TorPS simulator to
> simulate 50K clients in several different cases:
> - "3guards": choose 3 guards according to the current algorithm
> - "T=250": choose 1 guard, guard flag assigned as current
> - "T=1000": choose 1 guard, filtering guards with measured bandwidth <
> 1000 KB/s [Note: these former guards then have an increased
> probability of being selected as middle and/or exit nodes]
> - "T=2000": 1 guard, filter guards with measured bandwidth < T
> - "T=3000": ibid
> - "T=4000": ibid
> For each client, the simulator created 600 circuits, and computed the
> maximum bandwidth each circuit could handle (the minimum bandwidth of
> the guard, middle and exit relays).  This gives us an empirical
> distribution on circuit performance for each client.  Then we can ask
> questions about the "typical" bandwidth for a client, e.g. the median
> circuit performance.  How many clients typically have low-bandwidth
> circuits in each case?  Looking at the 5000 (10%) unluckiest clients,
> we see the following behavior:
> Essentially, while the current guard threshold does make the
> unluckiest clients pretty sad on average, even a 1MB/s threshold means
> that on average things are a little bit brighter than the current
> situation, and a 2MB/s threshold for the guard flag makes everyone
> happier in the typical case.  (And increasing the threshold beyond
> 2MB/s doesn't really help much)

Cool. This is exactly the type of experiment I was hoping someone would
do before we switched. Thanks for doing it!

However, one thing strikes me though: We see clearly that 1 guard is
worse than 3 guards with the current cutoff. I wonder if this is a
coincidence, or if it is a property of the low cutoff, or something

For control, it would be nice to know what we would be giving up if we
used that same T=2000 cutoff with three guards and compare that to
T=2000 with just one guard. Is it easy for you to rerun just that
comparison (since you seem to be suggesting that T=2000 is a good cutoff

** The reason I ask is because I suspect there is actually an interplay
between the current circuit build timeout code and the pool of 3 guards.
The CBT cutoff will tend to cause you to avoid whichever of your guards
may be temporarily overloaded at a given time.

Mike Perry

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