On 3/27/14, Virgil Griffith <i...@virgil.gr> wrote:
> I have two proposals to add to the torspec.git.  They are:
> (1) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3308162/230-quicken-tor2web-mode.txt
> (2) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3308162/231-remittance-addresses.txt

Hi Virgil,

Upon first peek, I'd say that these proposals aren't quite correctly
formatted. Could you format them to fit the line limits and expected
text formatting for proposals?

Proposal 230 is very small but it should probably include references
to the specs or proposals that you'd expect are impacted by the
proposed changes.

Proposal 231 need to be more specific. At the moment it discusses more
how a user might use the remittance addresses but nothing about size
limits, impact on the network bandwidth, format of the text field, and
so on.

I'll be happy to add them once they're formatted slightly more like
we'd expect. I think I'd be even happier if they were a little more
through too.

All the best,
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