On July 18, 2014 9:21:04 AM EDT, Georg Koppen <g...@torproject.org> wrote:
>Amogh Pradeep:
>> Status Report 4
>> July 18th, 2014.
>> Things I am working on:
>> 1)Setting up repos and building:
>> After having built fennec, we have now started to try to get it built
>> on the jenkins server. Hopefully we will be successful and will be
>> able to push out a version of the browser soon.

... and by Jenkins server, he means the Guardian Project build server, which is 
our internal nightlies/CI machine not on the public web.

>> 2)DNS leak plugging:
>> According to dnsleaktest.com , there seems to be a dnsleak in the
>> current fennec browser that we've made, working on trying to plug
>> this. Suggestions welcome!
>Who's "we" here? Is there a bug anywhere one can follow?

Amogh and I for now.



We have a tracker on dev.guardianproject.info as well but for now just using GH.

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