Sorry for the delay, I have been travelling for the past week and a half
and was at HOPE.

I have finished debugging the swf steg, and am hunting down the last bugs
in the pdf steg. SRI advised me that they are still working on their
JavaScript transcoding library they wish to plug into the SWF and JS stegs,
so I will move the JS steg and JSON stegs over but at the unti tests for
JSON first.

By the time of the PT meeing on August 1st I intend:

to have JS, SWF and PDF debugged with unit tests
finish testing the handshake code and make it robust to packets arriving
out of order (discussed ideas for this in person with vmon)
be ready to start debugging the transparent proxy
start sketching out how to incorporate the JSON steg and the SRI jel
library (if they get it finished in the next two weeks)

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