On 08/21/2014 06:18 AM, isis wrote:
> Nathan Freitas transcribed 3.5K bytes:
>> Nice outcome from GSoC! I think the primary discussion here is whether
>> Tor Browser's existing build system can be extended for Android, and
>> whether "Orfox" should exist at all as separate app/project.
> Is there somewhere where Tor developers might track the translation between
> the patches on your fork of the mobile Firefox and the Tor Browser fork of
> Firefox? I.e. Guardian Project commits abcdef01 and abcdef02 correspond to TPO
> bug #1234 which maps to Mozilla bug #11223344, etc.

There are tickets, but not mentioned in the commits. I will backtrack
and work through them and make that more clear moving forward.

For now, all of our commits on the gecko-dev repo itself are in the
Android Java code, and no changes have been made to any of the
underlying Firefox core.

> It's a tiny bit hard to track what's going on between your merges of upstream,
> your student's code, your code, and what you are purporting to fix relative to
> what we've already fixed. I apologise for all the extra trouble this would
> place on you, but I think in the long run that it would make collaboration
> between the TB team and Guardian Project's Gecko fork easier for everyone
> involved.

It is exactly what we need to do, and not any trouble. We quickly got to
"it works!" state, but now need to transition to the long term, careful,
audited approach.

Thanks for the feedback.

>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: [guardian-dev] Orfox: New Firefox-based Android Private/Secure
>> Browser
>> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:49:33 -0400
>> From: Nathan of Guardian <nat...@guardianproject.info>
>> Organization: The Guardian Project
>> To: guardian-dev <guardian-...@lists.mayfirst.org>
>> Based on work done this summer by Amogh Pradeep during his Google
>> Summer of Code stint with me, we now have a real working version of
>> Firefox/Fennec for Android with all the necessary defaults changed to
>> match Tor Browser's defaults as closely as possible. We also remove
>> the Android permissions for things like camera, mic, GPS and turn off
>> webrtc.
>> You can see the primary commits we've made here (many by me, but
>> started successfully by Amogh):
>> https://github.com/guardianproject/gecko-dev/commits/adaa37949dbba690ed0392c1fd004b006e73bfdf
>> We still need to figure out which preferences and features map between
>> the desktop mobile browser and the Android version, so there is quite
>> a bit of work to do. For instance, even though the preference from Tor
>> Browser is set to start in private browsing mode, it doesn't work at
>> all in the Android app. Also, we haven't applied any of the lower
>> level source patches to the gecko engine yet, or included any of the
>> default extensions like HTTPS Everywhere or NoScript. Sorting out and
>> resolving these differences is what is on deck for this fall, and
>> everyone is welcome to join in. In addition, the recent audit work
>> from iSec
>> (https://blog.torproject.org/blog/isec-partners-conducts-tor-browser-hardening-study)
>> is also on our minds, and figuring out how we can live up to the goals
>> of that study on a mobile device is also very important.
>> The current build successfully passes the DNSLeakTest.com tests and
>> passed the HTML5 video leak issue here:
>> http://xordern.net/why-you-really-shouldn't-use-orweb-anymore.html
>> ip-check.info still doesn't see the browser as being Tor Browser, so
>> there are some differences yet to resolve there.
>> The whole project is automatically building on our jenkins server, and
>> you'll find all the links to APKs and our test build repo below.
>> Over the next few months we hope to launch this as our new official
>> browser for Orbot, and deprecate Orweb as quickly as possible.
>> ***
>> Main project repo:
>> https://github.com/guardianproject/OrfoxFennec
>> Our fork of Mozilla's Gecko-Dev:
>> https://github.com/guardianproject/gecko-dev/tree/adaa37949dbba690ed0392c1fd004b006e73bfdf
>> (which we can rebase on the original as needed)
>> Nightly/dev builds direct APK download here:
>> https://guardianproject.info/builds/OrfoxFennec/
>> OR our fdroid test build repo:
>> https://dev.guardianproject.info/fdroid/repo?fingerprint=F8ED4C73C125E7A67F99DB269480DAF50BE1758952E07EE5ABF116FE4B2DB1E8
>> ***
>> +n
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