Hi teor,

Thank's for your answer with good explanation. yes it worked for
(Authority.getN(3) + Relay.getN(1) + Client.getN(1) ) . For this i have
installed tor- and download newest chutney where exit-v4.i
or exit-v6.i don't exist .
now i can see thorough wire-shark that which server i'm queering.
But i got "Couldn't launch test003c (tor --quiet -f
chutney/net/nodes/003c/torrc): 255" when i use  (Authority.getN(3)  +
Client.getN(1) ) as you mentioned.
and is it also possible to find which authority is acting exit-node?


On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 1:13 PM, teor <teor2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10 Jan 2015, at 09:55 , teor <teor2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 20:13:51 +0100
> >> From: Mohiuddin Ebna Kawsar <mohiuddin.kaw...@gmail.com>
> >> To: tor-dev@lists.torproject.org, matthias.wuebbel...@cs.uni-bonn.de
> >> Subject: [tor-dev] how to simulate TOR network through chutney?
> >>
> >> HI,
> >>
> >> I  need to simulate TOR network in minimal case [1 ENTRY,1 RELAY,1 EXIT]
> >> node.
> >> how can i do that use chutney? how to setup exit node on  my localhost
> and
> >> how to make circuit with that exit node?
> >>
> >> following are my config file with generated (slightly modified) torc
> files
> >
> > Hi Mohiuddin,
> >
> > -- Minimum number of instances in a Tor network --
> >
> > Using 3 tor instances (that is, 2 authorities/relays/exits and 1 client)
> will never work, because the minimum number of tor relays/authorities/exits
> needed to create a path through the network is 3.
> > Clients do not participate in any of the 3 positions in a path - they
> only initiate the path.
> >
> > The basic-min network is already a minimal tor network containing:
> > 3 authorities (which also act as non-exit relays)
> > 1 exit
> > 1 client
> > -----
> > 5 tor instances
> I forgot a simple, working config with 4 tor instances:
> 3 authorities / exits (authorities which also act as exit relays)
> 1 client
> -----
> 4 tor instances
> To get this working, change authority.tmpl as follows:
> -----
> ${include:relay-non-exit.tmpl}
> # For IPv4 exit capabilities
> ${include:exit-v4.i}
> # For IPv6 exit capabilities
> ${include:exit-v6.i}
> < the rest of authority.tmpl>
> -----
> >
> > You could possibly reduce this to:
> > 1 authority (which also acts as a non-exit relay)
> > 1 non-exit relay
> > 1 exit
> > 1 client
> > -----
> > 4 tor instances
> >
> > I wouldn't recommend using 4 instances for two reasons:
> > 1. The minimum number of authorities for a stable consensus is 3:
> > A) more than one authority is needed to produce a genuine consensus;
> > B) an odd number of authorities is needed to break ties.
> >
> > 2. The minimum number of authorities (or relays with AssumeReachable
> set) is 3, otherwise other relays or exits can't bootstrap. You can work
> around this by setting/uncommenting "AssumeReachable 1" in
> torrc_templates/common.i
> > (It should be set to 1 by default.)
> >
> > I've never tested this, so I have no idea whether it will actually work.
> > But feel free to try it, and let us know if it works (and please submit
> a new torrc_template file).
> >
> > Note: if you're using hidden services, you may need more than 3
> authorities/relays/exits in the network. (I have not tested the minimum for
> hidden services.)
> >
> >
> > -- What are you trying to simulate using chutney? --
> >
> > Do you need to test the entire bootstrap process? (30 seconds to start
> up)
> > Or do you just want the network to be ready quickly? (10 seconds to
> start up)
> >
> > To get these bootstrap speeds, you will need to use tor version
> or later, and the latest chutney from git. Otherwise, you
> will be looking at 45 seconds or more to bootstrap.
> >
> > It will help if you indicate what you've modified in the torrc files,
> and why.
> >
> >>
> >> i use basic-min for configure.
> >> ############## basic-min##########################
> >> Authority = Node(tag="a", authority=1, relay=1, torrc="authority.tmpl")
> >> Relay = Node(tag="r", relay=1, torrc="relay.tmpl")
> >> Client = Node(tag="c", torrc="client.tmpl")
> >>
> >> NODES = Authority.getN(1) + Relay.getN(1) + Client.getN(1)
> >>
> >> ConfigureNodes(NODES)
> >>
> > <snip>
> >
> > teor
> teor
> teor2345 at gmail dot com
> pgp 0xABFED1AC
> https://gist.github.com/teor2345/d033b8ce0a99adbc89c5
> teor at blah dot im
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