Hello everyone.

This is my first report on the Roster project and I wanted to give you
all an introduction what it is and where it's going.

I'm interested in seeing Tor grow.  Current work towards this is
tor2web and now Roster.  Roster is the rebranded continuation of the
"Torati" proposal which I first mentioned here:

In short the gist is to:
* Socially incentivize operators to run relays.
* Make the operator experience more compelling.
* Gamify operating a Tor relay.

The main difference between Roster and Globe/Atlas is that Roster
provides information at the level of *operators*, not individual
relays.  In Roster information is aggregated and metrics are summed
across all relays of a family.  The idea is that when you run a relay,
you generate nerd points and badges.  And then when people Google your
name/alias, they will see how many nerd points+badges you have and
they will be in awe of your epic geek-street-cred.

In addition to improving operator experience, there are proposals for
encouraging operators to do things Tor management like them to do such
as upgrading to the latest Tor version and/or probably setting up
their Families.  E.g., a badge for using the latest/recommended Tor

That's the gist of it.

I will be spending most of my time on tor-relays@ and talking with
operators there.  So if you want to follow day-to-day stuff subscribe

Main things accomplished so far:
* Setup the basic website at: http://www.tor-roster.org/

* I have an assistant whom I've taken under my wing.  His name is Sean
Saito <saitos...@ymail.com>.  He's a Computer Science student at
Yale-NUS here in Singapore.  He wishes to become more involved in The
Tor Project and this is his first Tor-related experience.

* We also have discussed with the tor-relays@ list candidate badges.
Are interested in additional badge proposals.
--- https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2015-June/007228.html

That's it so far.
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