Ian Goldberg:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 06:06:36AM -0700, Mike Perry wrote:
>> Essentially, codesign only touches executable binaries in the .app (see
>> that second link for info on how the binary's segments get moved around)
>> and also adds an SC_Info directory for codesign/DRM metadata.
> Wait; does that mean that things like configuration files, plugins, etc.
> are *not* signed?

There's a --deep option in `codesign` for this purpose.

From the man page:

        When signing a bundle, specifies that nested code content such as
helpers, frameworks, and plug-ins, should be recursively signed in turn.
Beware that all signing options you specify will apply, in turn, to such
nested content.

0XC009DB191C92A77B | @mrphs

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
to say it" --Evelyn Beatrice Hall

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