Tim Wilson-Brown - teor transcribed 12K bytes:
> > On 4 Jan 2016, at 16:14, David Fifield <da...@bamsoftware.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 11:01:25PM -0600, Jeremy Rand wrote:
> >> I noticed that it looks like Tor Project is using Go 1.4.2 to build
> >> the pluggable transports in Gitian.  I'm curious why a newer version
> >> of Go isn't used.  My understanding is that Go 1.4.2 (or earlier) is
> >> needed to build Go 1.5 because 1.5's source code is itself in Go.
> >> Would using Go 1.5 be as simple as building 1.4.2 in Gitian (as is
> >> done now), and then using 1.4.2 to build 1.5, and then placing 1.5 in
> >> PATH instead of 1.4.2 as is done now?  Have obstacles been identified
> >> in such a configuration, or is it just that no one tried it?
> > 
> > It's just that nobody has tried it. Here's the ticket for the most
> > recent update (to 1.4.2) if you want to make a new patch and file a new
> > ticket:
> > https://bugs.torproject.org/15448 <https://bugs.torproject.org/15448>
> Note the go bootstrap process has changed now that go is entirely written in 
> go:
> The new build process for Go 1.x (x ≥ 5) will be:
>       • Build cmd/dist with Go 1.4.
>       • Using dist, build Go 1.x compiler toolchain with Go 1.4.
>       • Using dist, rebuild Go 1.x compiler toolchain with itself.
>       • Using dist, build Go 1.x cmd/go (as go_bootstrap) with Go 1.x 
> compiler toolchain.
>       • Using go_bootstrap, build the remaining Go 1.x standard library and 
> commands.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OaatvGhEAq7VseQ9kkavxKNAfepWy2yhPUBs96FGV28/edit?pref=2&pli=1
> Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

I've not tried it yet, but it's my understanding that gccgo can still be used
to compile go-1.5:


So another route might be to modify our build of GCC to include gccgo, then
use that to bootstrap the official Go compiler.

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