Managed to successfully generate all necessary certificates, keys, etc. but
I'm having a problem with changes to the torrc file.

The tor process starts up without any issue using the default torrc file
(as one would expect), but no longer starts after the file has been edited
with the directory authority configuration options.

When starting the tor process via *service tor start* it shows the process
as active, but a *netstat -anlp | grep tor* shows no tor processes running
anywhere at all

####Edited Torrc###

TestingTorNetwork 1
DataDirectory /root/Downloads/tor
RunAsDaemon 1
ConnLimit 60
Nickname testAuth
ShutdownWaitLength 0
PidFile /var/lib/tor/pid
Log notice file /root/Downloads/tor/notice.log
Log info file /root/Downloads/tor/info.log
ProtocolWarnings 1
SafeLogging 0
DisableDebuggerAttachment 0
DirAuthority Unnamed orport=5000 no-v2 hs

SocksPort 0
OrPort 5000
DirPort 7000

# An exit policy that allows exiting to IPv4 LAN
ExitPolicy accept*

# An exit policy that allows exiting to IPv6 localhost
ExitPolicy accept [::1]:*
IPv6Exit 1

AuthoritativeDirectory 1
V3AuthoritativeDirectory 1
ContactInfo au...@test.test
ExitPolicy reject *:*
TestingV3AuthInitialVotingInterval 300
TestingV3AuthInitialVoteDelay 20
TestingV3AuthInitialDistDelay 20

Nicholas R. Parker
Rochester Institute of Technology
5thYear, BS/MS Computing Security
585-794-0029 / <>

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 11:41 PM, Tim Wilson-Brown - teor <> wrote:

> > On 11 Apr 2016, at 09:28, Nicholas R. Parker (RIT Student) <
>> wrote:
> >
> > We've looked into Chutney, but we're looking at building out a whole
> network for various research purposes (I'm just the grad grunt, whatever
> research plans they have are above me!)
> > It looks like you're saying that we could use chutney to at least
> generate all of the base configuration files, is that right?
> I'm suggesting you use chutney to generate a working network on a single
> machine, and then move tor instances on that network to other machines one
> at a time. If you start with a working network, then it's obvious when you
> do something that breaks the network.
> If you can't get a working network using chutney on localhost, then that's
> useful information, too. (Perhaps your tor install is broken.)
> That said, you could use chutney to just generate the config files, but
> it's harder to work out what went wrong if things fail.
> > We've been running into these issues with completely clean installs of
> CentOS, no new/extraneous services running with single instances of the tor
> service going at any one time.
> I can't really provide any specific help, because I don't have enough
> detail.
> However, here's one guess at some information that might be useful:
> Tor authorities will run on their own, and they also act as relays.
> Tor relays (including exits and bridges) need authorities.
> Tor clients (including onion (hidden) services) need authorities and
> relays and likely exits.
> Start by getting one authority running on one machine.
> It will serve a consensus consisting of itself.
> Then, get another authority running on another machine.
> Make sure they talk to one another and agree that they're both valid.
> Then, get a few relays running.
> Make sure they all appear in the consensus.
> Then get a few exits running.
> Then try clients.
> Then test that clients can use the exits to talk to a test web server or
> something.
> (Chutney automates this entire process.)
> If you want help with any failures, copy and paste the torrc, and the
> error messages you're getting, and tell us what you've tried already.
> (You can anonymise IP addresses if you need to, as long as it's clear
> which ones are the same.)
> Tim
> Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)
> teor2345 at gmail dot com
> PGP 968F094B
> ricochet:ekmygaiu4rzgsk6n
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