Hi everyone,

Here is my third status report for my GSOC project.

1 - Following my last report, I've added the following elements to
Fingerprint Central:
 - A page that detects the current level of the security slider of the
Tor browser
 - A page that looks if the current fingerprint is "acceptable" compared
to the Tor guidelines. This feature will evolve in the future to be more
complete and to provide more feedback to users.
 - Support of users without JavaScript
 - Improvements of the code of the main FP page so that it reduces
server load (by storing locally the information of the current fingerprint)

I've also added support of Promises so that computation-heavy tests can
be run without blocking the whole collection process. The added test on
the AudioContext API is the first one to make use of that feature.

2 - We will launch a beta next week of FP Central to get early feedback
on the project. Any ideas and suggestions will be welcome so that the
website will be the best it can be for both users and developers. The
server is online but I'm still making some final tweaks and bug fixes so
that the launch will be smooth. I'll send an email early next week to
this mailing list to inform everyone when it'll be ready.

My goal in the next two weeks is to launch the beta of the website and
start working on a great statistics page along with a more complete
version of the "acceptable fingerprint" page.

Have a great week-end,

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