> Hi,
> Why run a separate process instead of using unix socket or TCP socket?
>> Since a Namecoin domain can point to IP addresses and ICANN-based DNS
>> names in addition to onion service names, and a Namecoin domain owner
>> might wish to switch between these configurations without causing
>> downtime or forcing their users to change behavior, I recommend against
>> this.  However, see the open question below:
>> Open question: If a Namecoin domain points to an onion service, end
>> users might expect encryption to be built in, and this assumption will
>> be violated if the Namecoin domain switches to using an IP address.
>> However, Namecoin domains can include TLS fingerprints, which would be
>> enforced for both the IP address and the onion service address.  Is it
>> sufficient to tell users that TLS is required if they want encryption
>> for Namecoin-addressed services, or is some additional mechanism
>> needed here to avoid bad things?
> How about specifying whether the Namecoin domain should point to .onion
> or clearnet in the domain?  We can require that TLDs for such service
> must end in either:
> o o: The name points to a .onion name.
> o i: The name points to an IP address.
> o a: The name points to a clearnet domain name.
> So example.zkeyo points to 66tluooeeyni5x6y.onion.  example.zkeyi
> points to or (and?) 2001:db8::1.  example.zkeya points to
> example.com.
> Vina Gaff

Well, first of, using a different TLD to access A/AAAA records versus
CNAME records would violate the various DNS specs that say how CNAME
works.  Relatedly, by your logic, why not require a different TLD for A
versus AAAA records?

DNS, by design, allows more than one record type to exist for a given
domain name.  There needs to be a really good reason if we want to
change that.

A concern over whether end-to-end encryption/authentication is in use
would possibly be a really good reason.  But that definitely doesn't
have anything to do with whether an A/AAAA record or a CNAME record was
used to find the IP address, so it's not a reason to treat A/AAAA
records and CNAME records differently.

It's also unclear to me that changing the TLD is the right way to
specify what record types are being looked up.  That's not the way DNS
works anywhere else.

It's also worth noting that it's been hard enough to get IETF to accept
.bit (that effort stalled) -- adding a bunch of other TLD's would
probably annoy IETF significantly (and destroy whatever good will exists
at IETF right now), and I fully understand why this would annoy them.

I'm not really sure what the right mechanism is for a user to specify "I
want this request to either use TLS or be resolved to a .onion record"
(which seems to be the primary use case here).  Does anyone have


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