tldr; How do you enable IPv6 exiting in torrc?

the following torrc part is apparently _not_ enough:

IPv6Exit 1
ExitRelay 1
ExitPolicy reject *:25
ExitPolicy accept *:*
ExitPolicy reject6 *:25, accept6 *:*    # AFAIU from the tor man page
this line is redundant

@moritz: can you tell why exit 'amazonas' is different when it comes to
IPv6 exit policies? he is your only exit with p6 lines [4]

> writes:
>> Missing if the relay rejects all connections to IPv6 addresses.

Since none of the microdescriptors of that relay in Jan 2017 contained a
"p6" line onionoo works as expected.

(this relay might be a bad example since this relay switched from
non-exit to exit not to long ago, but almost all - except one - of
torservers' exits have no p6 lines either)

So I'm wondering why is there no p6 line in the microdescriptors even
though the relay's exit policy allows IPv6 traffic [3] and IPv6Exit set
to 1? writes:
>      "p6" SP ("accept" / "reject") SP PortList NL
>         The IPv6 exit policy summary as specified in sections 3.4.1 and 
> 3.8.2. A
>         missing "p6" line is equivalent to "p6 reject 1-65535".

To provide an example exit relay with p6 line:

from its descriptor [5] (note the last line: 'ipv6-policy'):

accept *:5222-5223
accept *:5900
accept *:6660-6669
accept *:6697
accept *:11371
reject *:*
ipv6-policy accept

[5] (temporary URL)

[3] (temporary URL)
> accept *:53
> accept *:80
> accept *:110
> accept *:143
> accept *:220
> accept *:443
> accept *:873
> accept *:989-990
> accept *:991
> accept *:992
> accept *:993
> accept *:995
> accept *:1194
> accept *:1293
> accept *:3690
> accept *:4321
> accept *:5222-5223
> accept *:5228
> accept *:9418
> accept *:11371
> accept *:64738
> reject *:*


>> +------------+----------------+------------------------+
>> | first_seen | nickname       | exit_policy_v6_summary |
>> +------------+----------------+------------------------+
>> | 2014-02-13 | amazonas       | {u'reject': [u'25']}   |
>> | 2014-02-13 | politkovskaja2 | NULL                   |
>> | 2014-02-13 | politkovskaja  | NULL                   |
>> | 2014-05-01 | rehm           | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-09-02 | hessel0        | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-09-02 | hessel2        | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-09-02 | hessel1        | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-11-15 | andregorz0     | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-11-15 | edwardsnowden2 | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-11-15 | edwardsnowden1 | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-12-23 | russellteapot  | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-12-23 | dorrisdeebrown | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-12-30 | criticalmass   | NULL                   |
>> | 2016-12-30 | zwiebelfreund  | NULL                   |
>> | 2017-01-09 | zwiebelfreund2 | NULL                   |
>> | 2017-01-22 | zwiebelfreund3 | NULL                   |
>> +------------+----------------+------------------------+

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