Hi Marcin, glad you want to get involved! We won't know until the 27th
if we've been accepted into this year's program or not but always
delighted for students to get involved early. We have a handful of
project ideas and points of contact listed on...


But you're of course more than welcome (and even encouraged!) to
brainstorm projects of your own.

Cheers! -Damian

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Marcin Czarnecki
<marnczarne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> tl;dr can go on about Tor and anonymity and privacy related things for
> hours, give me a chance
> I am studying Computer Science at the University of Brighton (in the UK). I
> am interested in participating in Google Summer of Code 2017 with the Tor
> project. I am a web security and anonymity enthusiast, tried to work with
> the Tor Project for GSoC 2016 but it did not work out.
> I have not contributed to the Tor's code base but have been an active, semi
> advanced user for past 3 years. Have been experimented with setting up
> exit-nodes (ended up with my box being considered the #1 most evil machine
> in the world :)), creating Tor-clearnet gateways, hosting own HS, trying to
> exploit other HSes, playing with encryption etc. I think that gave a me a
> lot of insight of how Tor works (still amazed and finding new things when
> reading docs).
> I am planning to base my proposal on the idea on a easier way of hosting HS
> so it would become more accessible to non tech savvy Tor users plus
> enforcing good security practices when hosting a HS (got some experience and
> cool ideas [citation needed]).
> My main skills are in Linux and back-end web development but I am also
> interested in scripting and automation as well as encryption. Can talk about
> Bitcoin for hours (security, anonymity, etc.), thinking about using that as
> my other project proposal as this should be the currency of Tor and more
> integrated into Tor (Tor Browser extension?). When it comes to programming I
> feel confident with PHP, Python and HTML, CSS, JS stuff, and know a bit of
> other languages but I am a fast learner!
> When it comes to tor related projects, two years ago I did this small
> crawler with web interface for searching (#2 most evil machine) in Python:
> https://github.com/marncz/torcrawler
> Cool feature on which I stopped working was HTTP headers fingerprinting
> which could led to grouping Hidden Services by hosts providers.
> Feel free to contact me:
> email: marnczarnecki[at]gmail.com
> IRC at OFTC: marncz
> Many thanks,
> Marcin
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