> On 24. Mar 2018, at 13:50, Rob Jansen <rob.g.jan...@nrl.navy.mil> wrote:
>> I think moria1 runs its own, and Faravahar runs its own. I've lost track
>> of the others, but I'd guess that bastet also runs its own, and that
>> maatuska pulls numbers from a bwauth that tjr runs.
>> https://consensus-health.torproject.org/#bwauthstatus
> Hmm. I wish we were more transparent about who is running scanners and which 
> bwauths consume results from which scanners. Something to keep in mind for 
> those of us working on next-gen replacement scanners.

It is at the discretion of the bwauth operator to ensure that
they're using a trusted source for their data. To me, that
means anything other than running the code myself is utterly
unacceptable, other operators might make other choices. I
think it makes sense to say that the operator of a given bw
auth is *responsible* for whatever they're voting on, whether
they run the bwauth themselves or not.

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