On 4/13/18 12:26, Damian Johnson wrote:
>> https://github.com/pastly/simple-bw-scanner/blob/master/docs/source/specification.rst
>> (ask Pastly for access)
> Hi Matt, why is this repo read restricted? I was idly curious to see
> the code of sbws and was surprised it's effectively closed source.

Good question!

While I didn't necessarily work on sbws while at my place of work, I
couldn't rationalize that it is unrelated to my day job. Thus I need to
get permission from my employer in order to release sbws.

I've already submitted that paperwork and expect to get it back in about
2 weeks.

It is licensed under CC0 and is therefore in the public domain (or will
be... depending on how you want to interpret the situation).

Fun side note: little-t-tor itself had to go through the same process.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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