> On 7 May 2018, at 06:54, juga <j...@riseup.net> wrote:
> teor:
>> Hi Nick,
>>> Suggestion: Add a field to hold the Ed25519 Identity of the relay being
>>> measured.  Say that implementations SHOULD include both RSA fingerprint
>>> and Ed25519 identity, and that implementations SHOULD accept lines that
>>> contain at least one of them.
>> Suggestion: the ed25519 IDs should be base64 encoded, without a trailing =, 
>> because a trailing = makes the format ambiguous.
> You're talking about the certificate, right?.
> This would change the concept of "line", since the certificate is more
> than one "line".
> This is how it is defined in dir-list-spec.txt
> base64-encoded-ed25519-identity :== "-----BEGIN ED25519 CERT-----" NL
>    certificate "-----END ED25519 CERT-----" NL

The certificate is a proof of identity.
But we only need to refer to a relay by its ed25519 public key:

"master-key-ed25519" SP MasterKey NL

[At most once]

Contains the base-64 encoded ed25519 master key as a single argument. If it is 
present, it MUST match the identity key in the identity-ed25519 entry.


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