
On 09/05/18 13:08, juga wrote:
> after nick, irl and teor reviewed the last version i sent [1], i paste
> below a new version of the specification versions 1.1.0 and 1.0.0.
> It's the same version as commit
> https://github.com/juga0/torspec/commit/c7cdfd4fcb4b5623e1407e2bec38e9fdf7b70e6b.

Awesome. As soon as the opportunity presents itself I will take another
read through.

> The main question that came up was whether we should create a backwards
> incompatible specification version 2.0.0.

I do think it may be easier to finish this specification first before
moving on to a 2.0.0 version. We discussed this specification at the
last Tor Metrics meeting: Currently Tor Metrics' descriptor parsing
library (metrics-lib) does not have a parser for the current (1.0.0)
bandwidth lists. We should implement this, and hopefully it would not be
too much extra work to make this also work for 1.1.0 lists.

If there were to be a 2.0.0 version, I would hope this brings the syntax
closer to other Tor descriptors to enable us to reuse existing code in
our parser (and also for tor to reuse existing code too) rather than
being something entirely new.


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