Walking Onions: week 6 update

 On our current grant from the zcash foundation, I'm working on a
full specification for the Walking Onions design.  I'm going to try
to send out these updates once a week.

My previous updates are linked below:

 Week 1:
   formats, preliminaries, git repositories, binary diffs,
   metaformat decisions, and Merkle Tree trickery.


 Week 2:
   Specifying details of SNIP and ENDIVE formats, in CDDL.


 Week 3:
   Expanding ENDIVEs into SNIPs.


Week 4:
   Voting (part 1) and extending circuits.


Week 5:
   Voting (part 2)


This week I did a pass through all of the proposal that's written so
far, trying to revise it for consistency and to look for unexpected
gaps. Then I wrote a first take on a section about client behavior,
and outlined sections about how to keep onions services working.

== Fixing inconsistencies

There were, predictably, some places where I had wrote things in an
introduction to a section, and then turn around and did them
differently later in the section.  I tried to make those consistent
when I could.

For one example, I think Microdescs should now be embedded in votes.
They were separate before, for space reasons, but now that we have
defined support for compression and diffs in voting, we don't need
to keep votes as small as we did before.  But when I went to explain
voting, I didn't actually give a place to put in microdescriptors.
This is fixed now.

== Example rules, and changes to voting.

Thanks to Teor's help and feedback on previous iterations of voting,
the voting operations [VOTING] are now more consistent, and
specified more consistently.  I had to describe a "sorting"
operation for use with voting, since CBOR's default "canonical"
ordering is not what we actually want semantically.

To try to make sure voting could do what we need, I wrote up an
example VotingRules object in a new appendix [EXRULES].  This turned
up a few impedance mismatches between the available voting rules,
the SNIP format, and the ENDIVE format.  I fixed some of these, and
marked others with "XXX" strings to come back and fix on the next
pass through voting.

== More index and extension protocol work

I've found a need for a new link specifier (LS) for use with onion
services.  Unlike a regular routing index LS, this kind includes a
routing index and a count of how many relays to skip after that
position.  This lets a client say, for example, "Give me the third
relay after the one whose HDirIndex is 0xbf9630".  (In order to
answer this query, the extending relay needs to return not only the
SNIP for the third relay, but all SNIPs between the first relay and
that relay, so that the client can trust the answer.)

This kind of LS can be used with the new NIL handshake if the client
_only_ wants to fetch the descriptors; the details are in the
circuit-protocol section [EXTENDING].

== Client operations, part 1

In a new section 06, I've sketched out solutions for guards,
bridges, bootstrapping, and several kinds of path restriction
[CLIENTS]. In doing so I've turned up a possible need for new
IP-based and key-based indices; I've added those to a new appendix
where I'm listing the different indices I think we'll need

== Outlines of work to come

I've added outlines for a new section 7 about making onion services
work, and a new section 8 about tracking some new ways that relays
might have to misbehave.  I've also added quick sketches for a pair
of additional proposals we'll need: one for a better family
notation, and one for finally migrating away from the last vestiges
of TAP.

But none of those are quite next: In the coming week, if time
permits, I want to get exit policies figured out.  They are the
biggest missing piece of section 06 right now, and seem to me to be
the biggest remaining gap in the specification.

== Fun facts:

At 109KiB, this is now the longest Tor proposal ever.  I will need
to come up with a different fun fact next week.

== References:





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