On 04 May (06:59:39), Miguel Jacq wrote:
> Hello again, just to add some clarification to what I realise is a confusing 
> output below:
> On Mon, May 03, 2021 at 04:38:07PM +1000, Miguel Jacq wrote:
> > ```
> > user@onionshare:~$ sudo telnet localhost 9051
> > Trying ::1...
> > Trying
> > Connected to localhost.
> > Escape character is '^]'.
> > authenticate ""
> > 250 OK
> > ED25519-V3:MNkxu0oI0CX6Oq1AEroRGSAiqXurEbzBdraDKJB1pkNkl9hNCr+bagdAg7gA4F3M/FrF7BHBdh5zdvkHB7oO4w==
> > Flags=V3Auth Port=80,9735
> > 250-ServiceID=rujvluxdgiibem3odopgkgiiajgtwfbdgkuqfyydhl5qupotpwyxjaid
> > 250 OK
> > ```
> The public key is different in the request and response here, that's my 
> copy-paste fail.. I had 'lost' the original private key and wanted to provide 
> a valid pair for someone to troubleshoot with. As a result I amended my 
> output here to show the new public key being sent in the ADD_ONION, but 
> forgot to update it in the returned response from my earlier attempt. Sorry 
> if it added confusion.
> The problem still stands that the ClientAuthV3 key is accepted by ADD_ONION 
> in the nightly/alpha Tor, but it doesn't then seem to be enforced when 
> viewing the onion service.. unless I'm doing something wrong.
> Appreciate any help, cheers!


I've created https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/issues/40378 to
track this down.

Thanks a lot for the detailed report!


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