Hi Holmes,

On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 05:46:47PM -0400, Holmes Wilson wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A few disjointed questions that have come up recently in our work with Tor:
> We just got a report from a user that the tor binary for Mac was using much 
> more CPU on Apple Silicon / M1 than it used on Intel. Has anyone scene 
> anything like this? Is there an arm64 build of tor binary for Mac, existing 
> or in the works? 

Can you provide more detail about where this tor binary came from? Was
it compiled from source or did it come from Tor Browser?

> (Related: do Tor developers have a few M1 Macs to test on? We could probably 
> donate one if not!) 

We do not, but we'd be happy to discuss this with you!

(I'll leave your other two questions to another tor person)

> Is there a good source for documentation on how forward secrecy works in Tor, 
> and on what security guarantees it provides? Googling finds things like this 
> reddit post (https://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/cryrjx/does_tor_use_pfs/) 
> but I can’t find any detailed information about it, what threat models it 
> fits, etc. 
> One specific question is, if two users are communicating by sending messages 
> over a connection to an onion service (like ricochet) and an attacker 
> surveils their internet traffic and compromises their devices at a later 
> date, will the attacker be able to recover the clear text of their 
> conversation? When are keys for a given connection destroyed? Does it happen 
> continuously throughout the course of a Tor connection? Or on the creation of 
> a new circuit? Or what?
> Does v3 onion authentication protect against DOS attacks? That is, can 
> someone who is not authorized to connect to an onion address with 
> authentication enabled still cause problems for that onion address? Can they 
> connect to it at all, in the sense of being able to send data to the tor 
> client at that onion address? Or does the Tor network itself prevent this 
> connection from even happening? 
> A related question is, if we’re looking to deny connections to an onion 
> address to any unauthorized users, and we’re considering turning off onion 
> authentication and implementing some standard authentication scheme that 
> seems fairly well-supported at the web server layer, is there any 
> security-related reason why we would be better off using Tor’s own 
> authentication instead? Using our own authentication scheme will be a bit 
> easier to control, rather than having to send commands to Tor (and possibly 
> restart it for removing users?) but I’m wondering if there are security 
> properties we lose by doing that. 
> Thanks!
> Also, apologies if any of these questions aren’t clear or well-formed! 
> Holmes
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