Hi tor-dev,

As part of my work with Blueprint for Free Speech, I recently gave a short presentation during the 2021 state-of-the-onion where we announced Gosling ( see https://youtu.be/mNhIjtXuVzk?t=8155 ).

If you missed the talk, the tldr; is that we're developing a specification and reference implementation library for building (onion service based) anonymous+private+secure peer-to-peer applications.

Essentially, we're taking what we've learned about onion-to-onion authentication from Ricochet-Refresh, extracting and improving the relevant pieces, and packaging it all in a library that developers can use to build their own anonymous+private+secure peer-to-peer applications. Our hope is that future developers will not need to be tor experts to build these types of applications.

Today ,I'm happy to announce that we just made the the gosling repo on Github public!

- https://github.com/blueprint-freespeech/gosling

Things are little bare-bones at the moment, but the most relevant piece right now is the protocol specification here:

- https://github.com/blueprint-freespeech/gosling/blob/main/docs/protocol.md

You'll also find some initial prototyping work under the source directory (the pace of development should pick up come 2022).

Please go take a look and feel free to respond here with any questions, concerns, criticisms, etc. Thanks!


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