On 8/11/22 11:13, Martin Neuenhofen via tor-dev wrote:
Sorry to bother again.
An equally good solution to replacing
/client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
with a TOR solution could be via a command line interface: os.system("torsocketprogram -send 9000 filename.bytes") and os.system("torsocketprogram -recv 9000 filename.bytes").

Am Do., 11. Aug. 2022 um 11:27 Uhr schrieb Martin Neuenhofen <martinneuenho...@googlemail.com <mailto:martinneuenho...@googlemail.com>>:

    *The ideal solution:* is device & OS agnostic, portable, uses no
    peripherals or configuration (i.e., just one pip package to
    install), and works reliably.
    Thus, the below torpy solution would have been ideal if it had
    worked reliably:

Some assorted responses to your messages:

- torpy[0] looks like a bad thing to base a revolutionary p2p tor-based thing on. No commits since last year. Not maintained by Tor Project or anyone associated with it. Touts v2 onion support as a positive when (1) the network has dropped support such that v2 onions will not work, even with torpy, and (2) it doesn't mention v3 onion support, which is the new thing. If your thing uses onion services, it needs v3 onion support

- You can get pretty far by "guessing" where a Tor client is going to be. E.g. try, then :9150, then look for common control port and socket paths and if found, hope no auth is required and you can query tor this way to ask it where its SocksPort is. This is what nyx does (guess common ControlPort/Socket paths while allowing the user to specify it directly). This is what I'd do.

- Stem[1] is *the* tool to use to interact with a tor client from Python. Carml[2] and txtorcon[3] are great tools maintained by a well-known Tor person. I am most familiar with stem. All the things mentioned in this bullet point require the standard tor client to be available. I know stem can launch it if it isn't already running. AFAIK this is still the recommended route for integrating Python things with Tor. (1) If necessary, bundle a tor executable with your thing, and (2) launch it from your thing with the parameters you want. This is how I've done all the Python + Tor stuff I've ever written. Once you've determined the host:port of Tor's SocksPort, you can simply use PySocks:

    s = socks.sockssocket()
    socks_host = "something"
    socks_port = an_int
    s.set_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, socks_host, socks_port)

As an example, here's a simplified/censored function from code I wrote. It is naive and may not be suitable for your purposes. Adapt it and make it better if you want to use it.

    def function(
            dest: Tuple[str, int],
            socks_addrport: Tuple[str, int]) -> \
            Tuple[bool, str]:
        msg = 'some bytes to send'
        resp = ''
        s = socks.socksocket()
        s.set_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, *socks_addrport)
            while True:
                new = s.recv(4096).decode('utf-8')
                if not new:
                resp += new
        except Exception as e:
            return False, f'{type(e).__name__} {e}'
        return True, resp

The Python + Tor stuff I write tends to be pretty big/complex. It's probably not the best for explaining the basics, but I'll point you towards how flashflow configures and launches a tor client in case you will find it more useful than confusing[5]. Remember, this requires the standard tor binary to exist on the host.


[0]: https://github.com/torpyorg/torpy/
[1]: https://stem.torproject.org/
[2]: https://github.com/meejah/carml
[3]: https://txtorcon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
[4]: https://pypi.org/project/PySocks/
[5]: https://github.com/pastly/flashflow/blob/master/flashflow/tor_client.py
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