Greetings Tor devs,

During the last two weeks there has been an improvement in
the Network Status APIs[0].

Network Status APIs is going to replace Onionoo web protocol as the Network
Health Team moves most of the current bridges and relays data from files
stored on disk to Postgres and VictoriaMetrics.

We now have an initial working version of the `/summary` and `/bandwidth` 
The first endpoint already has some working filters, while the latter does not
yet. In the upcoming weeks we plan to stabilize and test these endpoints while
we continue the development of others.

The project initially started and was setup to look like a Onionoo copy to
prevent most clients from breaking and for a smoother transition to the new
protocol. We are now in the process of redefining some responses as the Onionoo
implementation introduces some limitations. In particular, changes will affect 
that contain timeseries data stored on VictoriaMetrics as we thought it made 
sense to just return a direct ref to VictoriaMetrics[1] for those requests,
this way a client can decide to fetch referenced data or not based on its needs.

Please do reach out to me, hiro or GeKo if you have any ideas or feedback you'd
like to share with us.



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