pure relay, not exit
eth0  /  traffic statistics

                             rx       |       tx
  bytes                    170.08 MB  |     175.13 MB
          max              1.17 MB/s  |     1.14 MB/s
      average            677.69 kB/s  |   697.81 kB/s
          min            445.70 kB/s  |   449.51 kB/s
  packets                     213195  |        217824
          max               1318 p/s  |      1303 p/s
      average                829 p/s  |       847 p/s
          min                576 p/s  |       595 p/s
  time                  4.28 minutes

# netstat -tn | wc -l
# netstat -tn | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l

On 7/30/2011 12:56 PM, Tim Sally wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm working on a model to estimate the number of connections an OR has
> open as a function of the OR's bandwidth. I could really use some help
> confirming that my model is reasonable. Would any relay operators be
> willing to share the results of some variant of netstat | wc -l and
> the bandwidth of the relay?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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