On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:52:19 +0300
George Kadianakis <desnac...@riseup.net> wrote:

> Also, obfsproxy was rewritten in Python and it now supports a new
> pluggable transport called 'obfs3' which works even in China [2]. We
> have dropped support for the C-version of Obfsproxy, and the new
> Pluggable Transport Bundles contain the Python version [3]. Finally,
> future pluggable transports will be developed for the Python version.

I wish this sort of functionality was integrated directly into tor.

I am not up for installing and configuring an extra piece of Python software
on my bridges, and it doesn't help that it isn't even present in Debian (only
version 0.1.4 is there, which I guess is not obfs "3" that you now promote).

With respect,

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