Cross-posting to tor-relays to give everyone the heads up - I just added
33033 to the ReducedExitPolicy page for Skype:

Non-relay related discussion should remove tor-relays from the Cc.

James Brown:

> Hello, people!
> Because many my contacts continue to use Skype and don't want to use any
> nice soft (such as jabber, torchat and etc.) I need to use it too.
> For protecting of my location and etc. I use it only through Tor (on VM
> working under transparently-torifed user).
> Some days ago I would be very, very difficalt to connect to skype
> through the Tor-net (earlier it was very easy).
> As can I see in my Vidalia, my skype application can make resolving
> through tor and can connect to hosts through port 443, but conncetions
> with port 33033 cannot establish (I can the the trying to open it and
> after it it closed immediatly).
> As can I see the skype doesn't work without that connections which now
> establishes very rarely.
> I have 2 versions:
> a) the Skype team ban the Tor-connections to skype (but I can still
> connect to skype to ports 443 and I can to browse their web-site and
> even log in to it through the Tor without any problems)
> or
> b) many Tor-exits don't let the above-mentioned port (33033) in their
> ExitPolicy.

> It is not good from the Skype team if they do the first.
> If the second  hypothesis is right I ask owners of Exit-nodes, if it
> possible, to let that port in their ExitPolicies.

Not sure if that's actually the problem, but if the only way you can
get to Skype is to use a Bittorrent-supporting exit, it certainly seems
like a possibility.

Thanks for the heads up James!

Mike Perry

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