
I have been discovering simple and secure way of protecting the Tor key
files recently, in order to achieve the safety of the keys on VPS.

So I created a folder on Linux called /tor and it is stored in the RAM file
system. I put my key file into that folder and link it back to the data
directory folder of Tor. I also backed up the key files in case my server
need to be restarted and the RAM would be cleaned up. I left the key in RAM
for some undesired failures, errors or configuration which need to restart
the Tor software.

If the server gets down, I would probably do the simple cut and paste in
the SSH client to restore my key files. Or in a higher level way if
cut&paste is not safe enough.

I am not sure whether this is a good way to  protect my key files on a VPS.
Does anyone have any comment on that or a better way?

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