Don't know if this is update specific or just because of the new users
in the network:

17:00:25 [WARN] Your Guard curiosity3
($07AE80AA2F475282E3C08F589826C8FB19E8086B) is failing a very large
amount of circuits. Most likely this means
   the Tor network is overloaded, but it could also mean an attack
against you or potentially the guard itself. Success counts are 93/248.
Use counts
   are 91/91. 95 circuits completed, 0 were unusable, 2 collapsed, and
46 timed out. For reference, your timeout cutoff is 60 seconds.

On 09/05/2013 04:14 PM, Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Lunar <
> <>> wrote:
>     For those in a hurry, automatically built packages are available by
>     adding the following in your sources.list:
> I see the following messages, which I was not seeing earlier.  It
> eventually completes bootstrapping, 100%:
> Sep 05 22:04:03.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor circuit.
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 90%:
> Establishing a Tor circuit. (DONE; DONE; count 10; recommendation warn
> )
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn] 10 connections have failed:
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn]  7 connections died in state connect()ing
> with SSL state (No SSL object)
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn]  3 connections died in state handshaking
> (TLS) with SSL state unknown state in HANDSHAKE
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 90%:
> Establishing a Tor circuit. (Connection refused; CONNECTREFUSED; count
> 11; recommendation warn)
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn] 10 connections have failed:
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn]  7 connections died in state connect()ing
> with SSL state (No SSL object)
> Sep 05 22:04:06.000 [warn]  3 connections died in state handshaking
> (TLS) with SSL state unknown state in HANDSHAKE
> Sep 05 22:04:07.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 90%:
> Establishing a Tor circuit. (Connection refused; CONNECTREFUSED; count
> 12; recommendation warn)
> Sep 05 22:04:07.000 [warn] 11 connections have failed:
> Sep 05 22:04:07.000 [warn]  8 connections died in state connect()ing
> with SSL state (No SSL object)
> Sep 05 22:04:07.000 [warn]  3 connections died in state handshaking
> (TLS) with SSL state unknown state in HANDSHAKE
> -- 
> Sanjeev Gupta
> +65 98551208
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