I'll have to reconsider, then. I assume middle relays see less traffic than exits? I also keep reading exits are desperately needed and i do have bandwidth to spare for an exit, about 10 mbit. I would also be running the exit through a VPN, so my own IP would not be published, and GUFW would block all outgoing traffic to LAN from the computer running the exit. All other ports would be blocked as well, and since it's routed through a VPN, i wouldn't even need to open any ports in my own hardware firewall, but at the VPN provider's end instead. I do have permission from the provider to run an exit.

Still, i'm now hesitant. Thanks for the replies.

26.9.2013 13:46, Martin Kepplinger wrote:
I've been running a middle relay for years in my private net behind one adress. no problems there. You should just never run an exit relay there.

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