Dear Anupam and list members,

Just made a count and the sad truth is that 35 out of 167 systems in total completed the task ending with a regular slash24-220.scamper entry. Thats even worse than i expected and way more completed test results are necessary...

Mit freundlichen Grüssen / Sincerely yours

Sebastian Urbach

Those who would give up essential Liberty,
to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve
neither Liberty nor Safety.
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790),  Inventor,
journalist, printer, diplomat, and statesman

Am 20. Januar 2014 03:57:51 schrieb Anupam Das <>:

Dear Tor relay operators,
                                     We have recently received a good rate
of participation by relay operators to our measurement project. To give
everyone an idea of the current participation rate we have hosted a live
scoreboard of all our participants, available at

The live scoreboard highlights all the IPs from which we received
traceroute results along with the current status of the script running in
their machine. The live scorebaord also summarizes the participation by the
top Tor Families and the top guard and exit relays.

We thank all the relay operators who have participated and hope more relay
operators will participate soon.



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