On 2/28/14, Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
> I am running a tor relay - gracemissionstor - and have begun providing
> the relay name to friends who would like to use TBB.
> What I have not been able to google yet properly, is what
> startup/connection procedure is "best" for those using TBB, _and_ are
> on the local network - many people come and go here and there, and
> connect to the Internet from the LAN/internal network.

Solved this one, at least for the moment: accept defaults for first
two startup steps:
Proxy not required
Ports not filtered

then for "relay bridge" choose IP:port of internal relay, eg:

SSH (with port-forwarding and no command only if desired) could be
used to encrypt a SOCKS connection - but I don't really know how this
would work. Anyway, above seems to work for
 internal host -> LAN-internal TOR relay


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