
Great that it finally worked out, welcome to thd brother/sisterhood. And btw. what are you doing with my mail signature ? That seems to be the more important issue to me ;-)))


just wanted to inform you that I could resolve the issue simply by
deleting the tor data folder (thus getting a new fingerprint).

PS: I actually replied to Bryan, but forgot to CC tor-relays. Sadly I
can't find the message anymore, otherwise I would have resent it.

On 03/13/2014 11:08 PM, Tobias Markus wrote:
sorry for replying rather late!
In response to 1): Thinking about it, I think the main (possible)
problem is that my MTA is rejected by SMTP servers it connects to
because of a Tor blacklist. Is this probable? Has someone got
experience running a complete mail system and a (public) Tor relay on
the same host/IP?
About 2): That is indeed very unfortunate, but at the same time a reason
to start contributing to Tor! (Sadly, I am presently occupied by various
other projects, but I think Tor is definitely worth a 'visit'.)
Now about something else. I recently had to restart my server for
unrelated reasons. (The relay had the Guard and Stable flag at that
time.) I sadly forgot to add the Tor service to the default runlevel, so
it was not started at boot time. I went to bed thinking everything was
OK and was only able to start Tor about 12 hours later. Unfortunately,
my relay got no flags since then -- not even "Running"!
The Tor consensus website confirms this: Three Auths voted for all
previous/normal flags except Guard, the others only for Valid and V2Dir
leading to my relay getting no flags! I cannot really explain this to
myself. What is going on here?
On Sun, Mar 02, 2014 at 07:32:17PM +0100, Moritz Bartl wrote:
On 03/02/2014 04:06 PM, Tobias Markus wrote:
I've been running a new tor relay for about a week now

Great. Thank you!

1) I plan on running other services than tor on my server, including a
(private) mail system. Other than the general possibility of tor having
security holes and my server (and its IP address) being public and thus
possibly target of attacks, are there security implications I should

Unfortunately, many sites block Tor relay IPs regardless of their exit
policy. So, if you share one IP between the relay and other services,
your might be impacted. This is especially true for exit relays.

2) I would be interested to eventually run a directory/bandwith
authority, so I read about them in [1] and [2], but the places seemed a
bit odd (hidserv-perf branch in tor svn/torflow repo) so I thought I
better ask here: Would I really just have to follow the steps in [1]
to become a dirauth? Is there currently a need for auths, would
contribution be welcomed?

The offer is well appreciated. In the current design, directory
authorities and bandwidth authorities play a very special role. There
are several ideas on how to improve the situation and then open
participation to the broader community, but for the time being,
authorities can only be run by people very close to the core dev team.

Tobias Markus

"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
       -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

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