On 22/04/14 20:42, grarpamp wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Paul Syverson
> <paul.syver...@nrl.navy.mil> wrote:
>> "Of those 15,000 paths, 163 (or ≈ 1.1%) contained an entry and exit
>> node that resided in the same AS despite having an IP address from
>> different /16 subnets. Out of those 163 paths, all but one also had a
>> distinct /8 network address."
> There are two questions new operators ask:
> - What provider allows Tor [exit] nodes so that I can place my new node there?
> (This is a very common question and leads directly to duplication.)
> - Where are there no relays right now so that I can try putting one there?
> (This question is so rarely asked that I cannot recall seeing it.)
> Even though 1.1% is small it (AS/cidr) does not cover some relevant
> crossfields such as legal jurisdiction, I still think a project to research
> current relays would be useful (cidr block, AS, [upstream] hosting provider,
> physical/govt location, relay operator and location, funding source, etc).
> Then new operators could query an xor report of fields with
> - input their prospective new relay
> - get a top ten list of where we are already too heavy, do not host there
> - use our data to suggest new placements, ie:
> we have no relays in these countries, in these AS by size, etc...
> It would make some sense to have onionooo plugin to carry this
> extended db, particular since hoster and some other fields would
> require human researched/maintained input.

Coming late to this discussion, so I may be missing some context.

First of all, did people following this thread see Compass?


Note that we have a GSoC student this year, Christian, who's going to
integrate Compass functionality into Globe.  I'm sure he wouldn't mind
input on that.


Regarding the "extended db" that is mentioned above, if there's yet
another data source that Onionoo should include, let's talk about that.
 I wouldn't want to be the human that does the research or maintain
input, as you say.  But if somebody else does that and if it's useful
data, I can write the glue code to integrate those the new data into
Onionoo.  For reference, here's the relevant part of Onionoo's protocol


All the best,

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