Of Course I can, the fingerprint is:

Ione B827D00F6ED51B9397CA397E91D431E8 F60C67E4

My bandwidth rate is:

250 KBytes/s

Thank You,

On 07/06/2014 02:46 PM, Moritz Bartl wrote:
> On 07/05/2014 08:09 PM, Lluís wrote:
>> After reading the documentation and related FAQs I got my TOR relay
>> installed and configured. It is listed in Atlas with the running,
>> V2Dir and valid flags for more than 5 days.
>> However, it receives almost no connections and the following notice
>> appears frequently in the logs:
>> [notice] No circuits are opened. Relaxed timeout for circuit 1331 (a
>> Testing circuit 3-hop circuit in state doing handshakes with channel
>> state open) to 60000ms. However, it appears the circuit has timed out
>> anyway. 6 guards are live. [7 similar message(s) suppressed in last 3600
>> seconds]
> What bandwidth rate did you set? Mind sharing the fingerprint? It can
> take a while for relays to attract more traffic, be patient.
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