Hi, I'm running a Tor relay on a low cost dedicated server.

The tor relay is named kingqueen and it's running on an Intel Atom N2700 dual 
core hyperthreaded CPU with 2gb of memory, in a data centre with a symmetric 
100mbps connection.

I have found as time goes on and usage of my relay increases (about 3 weeks 
now) that the Tor process is increasingly using more of the CPU. TOP shows Tor 
using over 100% of CPU and the load average is 2 or more.

I use the dedi for other, less intensive things (OpenVPN, seedbox, also 
Owncloud though this falls over). I know that this is sub-optimal and ideally 
the dedi should be for the relay alone.

I was wondering if the CPU usage is standard. I guess it could be, given it has 
decryption work to be done? Is it high? Is there anything I can do to lower it, 
other than rate limiting, which I don't want to do?

Thank you
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