An answer might be to use bitcoin multisig transactions () so that
OnionTip AND the relay is necessary to finalize the transaction.

On 08/10/2014 04:48 PM, Tom van der Woerdt wrote:
> Tim Semeijn schreef op 10/08/14 17:33:
>> On 8/10/14, 4:32 PM, wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> apparently this hasn't been discussed here yet. About a month ago,
>>> Donncha O'Cearbhaill build during the Dublin
>>> Bitcoin Hackathon. It is a webapp which automatically extracts all
>>> Bitcoin addresses set in the ContactInfo variable of the torrc and
>>> distributes Bitcoin donations based on the consensus weight.
>>> There are already 100+ relays listed which represent around 5% of
>>> the total consensus weight. In just a few weeks they distributed
>>> around 125 US$.
>>> There are many other theoretical ways to provide compensation to
>>> tor relay operators (see
>> but I really like this very simple and practical approach.
>>> Thoughts? _______________________________________________
>>> tor-relays mailing list
>> I myself added a bitcoin address to the ContactInfo variable of my
>> nodes when I saw a tweet about this initiative. It is a nice way to
>> offer a way to donate to multiple node running volunteers instead of
>> donating to a specific person or organization.
>> My nodes take up 20% of the current donations based on consensus so it
>> would be nice if more relay operators take part in this project to
>> make it resemble the current Tor network better.
> I really like this and I've added an address to my exits (4.2% of total
> exit consensus). However, for this to really kick off I'd recommend
> adding visibility on how many donations were received and how it was
> distributed across relays. There should be safeguards to prevent
> from taking a part of the money, etc.
> Tom
> _______________________________________________
> tor-relays mailing list

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