Hi, and welcome ;)

With a very tiny bandwidth dedicated to your Tor Relay, the consensus weight of 
your relay will be very tiny (so may be nobody will be using it, because Tor 
Users have too great chances to take another bigger one).

If, moreover, the relay has a lot of big down times (hours), it's disappearing 
of the consensus list everytime, making nobody can find it for several hours 
after you start it again.

The Tor Network is promoting more and more very fast relays in order to make 
the network faster for users (fast relays : like 10MB/s) by giving big 
consensus weight bonus for big machines, and that's making tiny relays less and 
less used on the network.

But, there is a hope :

With a DSL connexion (100KB/s Upload max) you can get some usefull traffic 
(some gigabytes per week) by setting a hidden bridge.
If the IP Address of the connexion is changing time to time, it's really good 
for a hidden bridge.

For me, it's on a 24/7 Raspberry Pi (in order to be silent and cheap powered ! 
Very low power consumption)

Good luck !

----- Mail original -----
De: "Tor Zilla" <torzill...@hotmail.com>
À: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Envoyé: Mardi 7 Octobre 2014 13:20:18
Objet: [tor-relays] Less Traffic on my relay

Hi All, 

I am a noob to the Tor community and its fun serving Tor as one of the relays. 
I am planning to setup multiple relays however before i jump into anything 
further i setup one machine as a non exit relay to test how much traffic i can 
route.. Not to forget i also read the article on torproject.org which mentions 
the life cycle of a relay.. Now its the 4th day of my relay and the traffic is 
almost nothing but as per the article i must see an increase in traffic on day 
4.. The machine is ON for almost an hour now and the traffic is too less. 

Received : 3.62MB 
Sent : 1.6MB 

My dedicated bandwidth to Tor is 60 KB/s.. Do i need to keep the machine on 
24/7 because as of now its just ON for 3 to 4 hours.. Assuming that the traffic 
is low on the entire Tor network is this kind of traffic normal or something is 
wrong on my side..? Your help will me much appreciated.. 

Thanks and Regards, 

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