Manuel Gebauer schreef op 19/10/14 15:29:
Hi, Tom and Rejo. Same with me. Half of the abuse complaints I
get are from Valuehost Ru. Because I run on a cheap VPS I don't
get a reassigned IP. Therefore I always fear that my provider
might lose patience and shut down my server. That's why I decided
to block Valuehost's range completely.

I also wrote to Valuehost Ru and asked them politely to consider
that their own customers might like to use tor and to reconsider
their policy for abuse complaints. No answer yet. I think they
have an automated abuse complaint system and don't care much for



So I tried getting in contact with them again in an attempt to reduce the amount of abuse mails they send us. This time they replied :



We make abuse notices not only for TOR exit node operators, we make it to their uplinks too.
If we will stop to do it, it will lead for:

- TOR exit node operators will cease to think to solve this serious problem (with all due respect to noble purposes of TOR, like censorship resistance for Chinese dissidents etc., we see that a large part of of TOR traffic is malicious)

- TOR exit node uplinks will not notified about malicious activity in their networks

Also, if we'll except over 1000 IP's of Tor exit nodes from the security system, it will be spent too many resources. So we suggest to ignore abuse messages if you don't care about the safety of Internet.



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