Hello Sebastian,

Thanks for responding.

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 10:15 PM, Sebastian Urbach <sebast...@urbach.org>

> On January 31, 2015 2:09:14 AM Abhiram Chintangal <
> abhiram.chintan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Abhiram,
>> I have been running a tor middle relay[1] for the past few months.
> Thank you very much !
>> One thing that I noticed in the last two months is that my relay is eating
>> up the 1tb bandwidth in the first three weeks. So I am thinking of moving
>> to a better plan or tweaking the current config to serve the bandwidth so
>> that the relay is up for the entire month.
> I assume that you want a recommendation. A better plan probably means
> spending more money. Would be better for the network. If you can spare the
> money, go for it.
> If you dont want to spend more money than it would be a good idea to lower
> the Rate value until you end up within your traffic limit for the month.
> The benefit would be a permanent available relay.

 Hmm, I think I will try changing the rate and see what happens. Last year,
I used a daily limit instead of monthly one. It drastically reduced the
relays reported bandwidth ( 1Mbps to 60 kbps ).


> Sincerely yours / Sincères salutations / M.f.G.
> Sebastian Urbach
> -----------------------------------------
> Religion is fundamentally opposed to
> everything I hold in veneration - courage,
> clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and,
> above all, love of the truth.
> -----------------------------------------
> Henry Louis Mencken (1880 - 1956),
> American journalist, essayist, magazine
> editor, satirist and critic.
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Abhiram Chintangal
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