Thanks for being the one to start on it.

I think there ought to be some specific help for people like me who want to do 
the best to contribute.

I did search in many ways for hardening tips but it takes a lot of nous to make 
some of the leaps expected by uber-cool-already-knowing authors.

Wouldn't it make sense for aspiring relay volunteers to be helped with what is 
best for Tor?

I'll be reading Nick's effort and contributing what I can. Why doesn't everyone?


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 23:15:42 -0500
> To:
> Subject: [tor-relays] Relay operators: help improve this hardening
> document?
> Hi, all!
> There's a project going on to try to add instructions for hardening a
> Tor relay for security:
> The idea is that Tor could ship with some basic recommendations, and
> links to places to find more advice?
> Recently, "mmcc" has uploaded a new draft.  Do we think this is better
> than nothing and worth shipping with Tor, or does it need big changes?
> If possible, please write comments on the trac ticket above: it will help
> keep all the discussion in one place.
> best wishes,
> --
> Nick
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