Hash: SHA256

Ok, another one went down. Here be the logs, last 30 lines of, pasted
into email, unredacted. Given I just got back from the fucking pub, if
someone else spots the wierdness in this... I'll buy them a pint the
next time I meet them. Now, keep a close eye on the timestamps.

You will note that tor "restarts" or "shuts down" 2 hours before it
seemingly crashes. the last line of the debug log was incomplete,
didn't even have a newline, just *DEAD*. I have restarted the node in
the hopes I can capture more data.

IF anyone recognises this behavior, please let me know.

root@nationalcrime:/var/log/tor# tail -n 30 log
Mar 26 11:16:30.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake
with first hop.
Mar 26 11:16:30.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is
reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor.
Mar 26 11:16:31.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor circui
Mar 26 11:16:32.000 [notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit.
Looks like client functionality is working.
Mar 26 11:16:32.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.
Mar 26 11:16:33.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is
reachable from the outside. Excellent.
Mar 26 11:16:34.000 [notice] Performing bandwidth self-test...done.
Mar 26 11:20:57.000 [notice] Interrupt: we have stopped accepting new
connections, and will shut down in 30 seconds. Interrupt again to exit
Mar 26 11:21:27.000 [notice] Clean shutdown finished. Exiting.
Mar 26 11:21:46.000 [notice] Tor (git-0b9fcb34f1996a74)
opening log file.
Mar 26 11:21:46.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv4 file /usr/share/tor/geoi
Mar 26 11:21:46.000 [notice] Parsing GEOIP IPv6 file
Mar 26 11:21:46.000 [notice] Configured to measure statistics. Look
for the *-stats files that will first be written to the data directory
in 24 hours from now.
Mar 26 11:21:47.000 [warn] I have no descriptor for the router named
"ChickenLiver" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is, but
this may confuse clients.
Mar 26 11:21:47.000 [warn] I have no descriptor for the router named
"Neuromancer" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is, but
this may confuse clients.
Mar 26 11:21:47.000 [warn] I have no descriptor for the router named
"Cyberia" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is, but this
may confuse clients.
Mar 26 11:21:47.000 [warn] I have no descriptor for the router named
"necronomicon" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is, but
this may confuse clients.
Mar 26 11:21:47.000 [warn] I have no descriptor for the router named
"SnowCrash" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is, but
this may confuse clients.
Mar 26 11:21:47.000 [notice] Your Tor server's identity key
fingerprint is 'NationalCrimeAgency
Mar 26 11:21:53.000 [notice] We now have enough directory information
to build circuits.
Mar 26 11:21:53.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 80%: Connecting to the Tor
Mar 26 11:21:53.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is
reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor.
Mar 26 11:21:53.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake
with first hop.
Mar 26 11:21:54.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor circui
Mar 26 11:21:55.000 [notice] Tor has successfully opened a circuit.
Looks like client functionality is working.
Mar 26 11:21:55.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.
Mar 26 11:22:55.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is
reachable from the outside. Excellent.
Mar 26 11:22:56.000 [notice] Performing bandwidth self-test...done.
Mar 26 11:24:34.000 [notice] Interrupt: we have stopped accepting new
connections, and will shut down in 30 seconds. Interrupt again to exit
Mar 26 11:25:04.000 [notice] Clean shutdown finished. Exiting.


root@nationalcrime:/var/log/tor# tail -n 30 debug.log
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] circuit_receive_relay_cell(): Passing on
unrecognized cell.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] connection_or_process_cells_from_inbuf():
553: starting, inbuf_datalen 1576 (0 pending in tls object).
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_queue_cell(): Directly handling
incoming cell_t 0x7fff332939b0 for channel 0x7f238f3dbc80 (global ID 572
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl():
circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl() returning circuit 0x7f238fc15550
for circ_id 2147484893, channel ID 572 (0x7f238f3dbc80)
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] circuit_receive_relay_cell(): Passing on
unrecognized cell.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] connection_or_process_cells_from_inbuf():
553: starting, inbuf_datalen 1062 (0 pending in tls object).
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_queue_cell(): Directly handling
incoming cell_t 0x7fff332939b0 for channel 0x7f238f3dbc80 (global ID 572
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl():
circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl() returning circuit 0x7f238fc15550
for circ_id 2147484893, channel ID 572 (0x7f238f3dbc80)
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] circuit_receive_relay_cell(): Passing on
unrecognized cell.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] connection_or_process_cells_from_inbuf():
553: starting, inbuf_datalen 548 (0 pending in tls object).
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_queue_cell(): Directly handling
incoming cell_t 0x7fff332939b0 for channel 0x7f238f3dbc80 (global ID 572
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl():
circuit_get_by_circid_channel_impl() returning circuit 0x7f238fc15550
for circ_id 2147484893, channel ID 572 (0x7f238f3dbc80)
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] circuit_receive_relay_cell(): Passing on
unrecognized cell.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] connection_or_process_cells_from_inbuf():
553: starting, inbuf_datalen 34 (0 pending in tls object).
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 102 wants to
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] flush_chunk_tls(): flushed 4064 bytes, 48
ready to flush, 48 remain.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] flush_chunk_tls(): flushed 48 bytes, 0
ready to flush, 0 remain.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] connection_handle_write_impl(): After TLS
write of 4112: 0 read, 4170 written
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f2393112f38 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f23931314f8 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f239312baf0 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f239311d070 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f23931277f0 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f23931180e0 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f23931260e8 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_write_packed_cell(): Writing
packed_cell_t 0x7f239312e2b8 to channel 0x7f239059ef50 with global ID 88
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] channel_flush_from_first_active_circuit():
Made a circuit inactive.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 301 wants to
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] connection_read_to_buf(): 301: starting,
inbuf_datalen 0 (0 pending in tls object). at_most 16448.
Mar 26 13:03:01.000 [debug] connection_read_to_buf(): Aft

On 26/03/15 14:27, skyhighatrist wrote:
> Hmmm. "NationalCrimeAgency" and "SnowCrash" fell over again
> sometime last night it would appear. I have now enabled debug
> logging on all hosts, and updated them to the latest available (in
> the repositories those hosts are using) version of Tor.
> I also note that the issue others have mentioned (namely in the 
> "CircuitStorm" issue in the tracker) that the relay which also runs
> a HS has been coming under inredibly high load - CPU maxed out at
> 100%. Given my HS is rarely used, such load is ... odd. Other relay
> and HS operators I have privately spoken with have mentioned their
> HS nodes have also locked up at 100% recently.
> I'll provide debug logs if this happens again post-updates being 
> applied, which might help with getting to the bottom of this mess.
> .d
> On 26/03/15 01:38, teor wrote:
>>> Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 17:21:50 +0800 From: Vincent Yu
>>> <v...@v-yu.com>
>>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 4:26 PM, skyhighatrist
>>> <skyhighatr...@tfwno.gf> wrote:
>>>> I am wondering if anyone has had their relay randomly crash
>>>> in the past week or so. Three of mine (I run 6, nonexits)
>>>> have fallen over. One of them ~5 days ago, one of them ~4
>>>> days ago, and one of them earlier today .
>>> This also happened to my two relays about three weeks ago. They
>>> are:
>>> https://globe.torproject.org/#/relay/C309A31AD772FFDD0805C9FECB6D474
>>> They are both middle/guard relays (about 200 Mbps each) on the
>>> 0.2.6 branch and are on the same dedicated server. They went
>>> down at different times, and as far as I can remember, there
>>> was nothing notable in the Tor and system logs. No issues prior
>>> to this over the past 12 months. I haven't had time to
>>> investigate this.
>> This also happened to my EC2 relay a few weeks ago, but I never
>> had time to investigate. It's quite possible it was a bad nightly
>> tor version, or some sort of misconfiguration on my end, but the
>> timing matches. I didn't manage to get it to come back up in the
>> limited time I had to try and fix it.
>> https://globe.torproject.org/#/relay/425E55A8FA145ACFC01FA58CD4E6F46D
(No record, it's been down for a while.)
>> teor
>> teor2345 at gmail dot com pgp 0xABFED1AC 
>> https://gist.github.com/teor2345/d033b8ce0a99adbc89c5
>> teor at blah dot im OTR C3C57B23 349825DE 929A1DEF C3531C25
>> A32287ED
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