Most dearest Network Operations Center,

As the problem has yet to go away, I decided to bring back from the dead
this thread.

The problem still persists, my consensus weight never leaves 20.

- I have deleted the ID
- I have changed the IP address
- I had the relay offline for... 2 weeks?

My consistent average speed is ~100-200kb/s, though the server is quite
capable of handling 2-4MB/s.

Doing speed tests I can sustain 6-8MB/s.

So, I decided to get another VPS account and setup a new relay. Exact
same issue is present.

Affected VPS #1

Affected VPS #2

Atlas has always looked drunk while displaying stats for VPS #2, as the
pretty graphs never seem to display anything for the 3 days, or 1 week
IO graph.

My two non-exit relays work great. My two exit relays suck the big one.

I'd appreciate some more advice.

And no, I haven't set the MyFamily parameters for various reasons. If
and when this issue gets fixed, I'll add them.

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