Zero progress on this, so I thought I'd pop it up again.

I'm only pointing this out because it's interesting, not because I think
anyone will do anything about it. It may be interesting to someone
looking into the diversity of consensus weights given a small subset
from two providers, that is all.

Neither of the two problem relays have gotten rid of their consensus
weight of 20. One of my other relays has lost significant consensus,
from 11170 to 1720, its now pushing peanuts, or about 1/10 of what it
used to.

My oldest relay pushed(in/out) ~10TB last month before losing it's
consensus weight.
My other relay, brand new, has been up for about a week and still stuck
at 20.

All 5 relays come from 2 providers in the euro-region, my other relays
are not important so are not displayed.

About ~4 hours ago I restarted the 5 relays to see the fun. Since that
time, here is that status of each:

1) Measured speed 165.6Kb/s (arm)
   Downloaded 50.0GB
   Uploaded   51.0GB
   Avg Rate:  66.8Mbit/s (vnstat)
   Consensus  21200
   Provider   #1

2) Measured speed 105.4Kb/s (arm)
   Downloaded 28.7GB
   Uploaded   29.4GB
   Consensus  13500
   Avg Rate   38.13Mbit/s (vnstat)
   Provider   #2

3) Measured speed 13.4Kb/s (arm)
   Downloaded 4.1GB
   Uploaded   4.3GB
   Consensus  1720
   Avg Rate   5.4Mbit/s (vnstat)
   Provider   #2

4) Measured speed 160b/s (arm)
   Downloaded 3.1GB
   Uploaded   3.2GB
   Consensus  20
   Avg Rate   3.82Mbit/s (vnstat)
   Provider   #2
   **Oldest relay in list

5) Measured speed 160b/s (arm)
   Downloaded 217MB
   Uploaded   216MB
   Consensus  20
   Avg Rate   204kbit/s (vnstat)
   Provider   #1
   **Newest relay in list

Relay #5 should be acting more like relay #1. Keep in mind though relay
#1 was rate limited last week by half because my provider asked me to -
it was for a period of time happily doing 75-90Mb/s each way. Relays
#2-4 should all be similar, but they're everywhere.


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