nusenu <> wrote:

> >> One line "patch" for /etc/rc.d/tor to address this issue: (tested
> >> with and without custom daemon_flags)
> >> 
> >> 8a9,10
> >>> pexp="${daemon}${daemon_flags:+ ${daemon_flags}}$"
> >>> 
> > 
> > Did you test with custom flags like "--+Log ${tor_loglevel} file
> > ${tor_logfile}"?
> This should read "--Log" no?

While I prefer using neither "--Log" nor "--+Log", the latter
is valid syntax and used in the real world:

For details see:

In the ElectroBSD version of the port I recently went with the
mentioned "specify all log files in the torrc" strategy ...

> - From tor's man page:
> > Other options can be specified on the command-line in the format 
> > "--option value", in the format "option value", or in a
> > configuration file.

Looks like the man page is incomplete.


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