Zero interest in a digital badge (fyi: I have a buddy who works in academia 
loves the gamification of everything and is well known for his badge work). 
Having said that, I want a t-shirt! I resorted to stickers I bought for 
slapping “Tor” and “NSA Inside” places. We need folks to step up with relays. 
T-shirts are going branding and getting the word out.

Per “revoking”, we can require relays to be running 6 months or a year before 
you get a shirt. Also, shirts can be free but shipping costs money. Or 
something like that. I’d even buy a polo if available. Make it a “work” shirt.


From: tor-relays [] On Behalf Of 
Magnus Hedemark
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Qualities of a good relay (Sean Saito)

These ideas are quite good. I think it would be interesting for a partner 
organization like the EFF maybe to gamify Tor relay best practices by issuing 
Mozilla type merit badges [ ] to relay operators. 
Setting it up is not free, volunteer time is not free, but it's a way to 
recognize volunteers in meaningful ways that does not require sending out tee 
shirts around the world.

Importantly, badges should also be revoked if a relay operator is found to be 
behaving in less than meritorious ways. This is easily done. [ ]

Magnus : E0B7C731568AC72AE848EDE91F857A3FED19ED0B

Sent from ProtonMail<>, encrypted email based in 
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Qualities of a good relay (Sean Saito)
Time (GMT): Jun 25 2015 15:12:17

Hi Sean,

On 06/24/2015 03:07 AM,<> wrote:
> Besides the obvious requirements of a good relay (e.g. speed,
> geo-diversity, constant uptime), what qualities make a relay valuable to
> the Tor network and its users?

George posted some ideas a while ago:

I also remember another list of "diversity criteria" that someone
posted, but I can't remember who or in which thread.

Moritz Bartl
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