Hello list,

hopefully a (preferably german) lawyer is subscribed to this list.

I was thinking of starting an exit-relay on a dedicated machine. The
german company servdiscount offers very cheap machines with 1 gbit
connection (500 mbit guaranteed). They don't mention tor in their terms
and conditions but § 10 worries me a bit (myLoc is the mother company of

"The customer is obligated, to refrain from sending e-mails to third
parties who have not consented to receipt beforehand or whose consent to
receive cannot be inferred from other means. This likewise applies to
sending postings in chats and/or forums. The customer promises to pay
myLoc a contractual penalty in the amount of 5,100.00 Euro per incident
in the event of culpable breach of this obligation under exclusion of
the assumption of repeated offence."


or in german:

"10. Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, keine E-Mails an Dritte zu versenden,
die dem Empfang nicht zuvor zugestimmt haben oder deren Einverständnis
zum Empfang nicht anderweitig vermutet werden kann. Dies gilt ebenfalls
für das Versenden von Postings in Chats und/oder Foren. Der Kunde
verspricht für jeden Einzelfall ein er schuldhaften Zuwiderhandlung
gegen diese Verpflichtung unter Ausschluss der Annahme eines
Fortsetzungszusammenhangs die Zahlung einer Vertragsstrafe in Höhe von
5.100,00 Euro an myLoc. Die Geltendmachung weiterer Ansprüche bleibt


Would this condition apply in case a tor user would e. g. rant around in
a forum? Or would beeing a provider keep me from paying         5.100,00 Euro
(!) to myLoc?

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