Comcast modem is in bridge mode with ASA doing the NAT (showing at times
upwards to 6,000 connections. Believe the ASA is rated to 10,000 + currently
showing 220 connections). It's a Comcast business line with relay having its
own static IP. I will have a look at the link provided.


-----Original Message-----
From: tor-relays [] On Behalf
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 10:00 AM
Subject: [tor-relays] Middle Relay has no traffic

>My middle relay seems to have minimal traffic.
>Is there something I need to do or is my damn IPS (Comcast) blocking 
>Node name is gmojo02

Possibly the Comcast gateway NAT is unable to deal with lots of connections
andj/or it may be an older, slow model that can't handle much traffic.  Or
possibly your connection is just at the low end of the bandwidth spectrum.
You can see all the Comcast relays ranked by traffic by going to

https: // torstatus dot blutemagie dot de

and at the bottom of the page selecting

Advanced Search:

   hostname contains comcast

Some options:

1) have a new gateway swapped in
2) upgrade to faster service
3) switch to a static IP
   (an option for business customers)
   and configure the relay on the
   static IP so it bypasses the
   Comcast device's NAT
4) switch to Verizon FiOS, which
   is 5x better than Comcast
   for the same money
5) make sure the system running the
   relay is reasonably fast, i.e.
   1.8GHz or better and had a decent
   quality NIC; run
   and it should match your ostensible
   Comcast bandwidth

w/r/t (4) check out what happened to my
relay after switching from 3up/18down
Comcast to 75up/75down FiOS

(keeping in mind the relay is well tuned) You can see all the FiOS relays on
Blutmagie with 

   hostname contains comcast

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