Those Mails just keep coming. I replied to hundreds of them and never
heard back. They're a normal part of maintaining my exit relay :)


Am 2015-11-21 um 04:34 schrieb Riccardo Mori:
> Hi everyone,
> It's almost a week that I am receiving dozens of "Notices of Claimed
> Infringement" a day from IP-Echelon, all equals, saying that they "are
> contacting" me "on behalf of Paramount Pictures Corporation (Paramount)"
> and asking me to remove the film in question that is being shared via
> bittorent (the port varies each time).
> The first time I wrote them that the ip address in question is a Tor
> exit node, I explained briefly what is Tor and that I can't do anything
> to help them. I also wrote to MyLoc (the ISP) saying pretty much the
> same.
> I wrote to IP-Echelon another time but they never replied.
> Usually I wouldn't care about them but this time MyLoc told me to "fix
> the problem or" they "will block" my "server".
> I modified the exit policy so now I am running the reduced one[1]
> That (in theory) should fix the problem but I would like to avoid the
> reduced policy.
> Is there anyone that had the same issues with IP-Echelon and can help
> me?
> Usually how do you handle those annoying auto generated reports?
> Thanks,
> patacca
> [1]
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