> On 18 Dec 2015, at 06:03, starlight.201...@binnacle.cx wrote:
> Relay 'Binnacle' experienced outages due to a
> loose fiber-option junction in the overhead
> wires that has been repaired.  I believe
> it would make the list if not for this
> and do not foresee further trouble.
> ...
> Available if desired.  Can configure IPv6
> on the HE tunnel here if helpful.

Once clients start bootstrapping over IPv6[0], more IPv6 fallback directories 
and relays would be helpful.

But I don't know enough about IPv6 tunnels in general and Hurricane Electric in 
particular to know whether a tunnel is advisable for a tor relay.

I think if a client is just using it for bootstrap, any extra latency shouldn't 
be an issue.
But IPv6 clients may also pick it as a guard, so that should be taken into 

Should we be running relays over IPv6 tunnels?


[0]: We're working on it in 

Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
PGP 968F094B

teor at blah dot im
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